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Tutoring Methods


iSmart Maths & English Tutoring are computer based which can provide detailed student reports every time!

We utilise internationally recognised computer learning programmes.


Each student will have their own personalized courses plan 

which tailored to what they are learning at school recently, and individual goals to achieve which builds confidence, changes attitudes and delivers results.


Mathematics: We cover the full Maths curriculum starting from Year 1 to Senior Maths in year 12. Over 2000 mathematical concepts, each generating thousands of exercises. 


English: Enhances a students' ability to communicate effectively. Covers grammar, vocabulary, spelling, reading & comprehension.


PerceptualFocuses on cognitive development, memory and concentration skills.


At iSmart, children are encouraged to acquire not only knowledge but also confidence, patience, and the right attitude to deal with success and failure.


Sticker rewards for Junior students from year 1 to year 6, in order to encourage students showing positive behavior and achieving their academic goals; building their study and concentration skills.


Certificates for senior students from year 7-year 12, senior students are eligible to earn various certificates when they master a specific topic/concept based on accurate computer reports, encouraging them to achieve their academic goals



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